Board of Elections Meeting
Board of Elections Meeting Location 75 Riverside Circle, Suite 3, Hayesville, NCThe Clay County Board of Elections meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:00 AM.
The Clay County Board of Elections meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:00 AM.
Join us for this free informational event at the Moss Public Library in Hayesville. See flyer image for details.
Join us for Game Night which will be a night of fun and socializing for everyone. Games are a great way to grow our minds and keep them sharp while having fun. We will begin gathering at 6:00 PM and probably start playing around 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM. We have cards and board games, […]
The Clay County Board of Education meets in regular session on the 4th Monday night every month unless otherwise posted. All meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the board room […]
All Clay County Democrats are invited to attend our monthly meeting at The Corner Coffee Shop in Hayesville on Sept 26th. This month our guest speaker is the Director of the Clay County Board of Elections, Rebecca Hall who will speak at 6:00 PM and will cover new voter ID requirements for elections. The Clay County […]
The SWCD board meets on the 4th Wednesday of each the month at 7:00 PM at 25 Riverside Circle (i.e., the brick community building down the hill from the library). The group meets in the conference room of the NC Cooperative Extension.
The Clay County Board of Commissioners meet monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:45 PM. A button linking to the current agenda can be found here:
The book selection for Monday, October 9th (Indigenous Peoples Day) is :The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Please note that this meeting will take place at the Moss Memorial Library meeting room. Entrance will be via the side door, off of Main Street, perpendicular to the entrance of The Friends of the […]
Town Council meetings are open to the public and held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. You may call the Town Clerk at 828-389-1862 for more information on the Town Council or for specific meeting information. Meeting minutes and information may be found here.
The Clay County Board of Elections meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:00 AM.
Join us for Game Night which will be a night of fun and socializing for everyone. Games are a great way to grow our minds and keep them sharp while having fun. We will begin gathering at 6:00 PM and probably start playing around 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM. We have cards and board games, […]
The Clay County Board of Education meets in regular session on the 4th Monday night every month unless otherwise posted. All meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the board room of the Clay County Board of Education office. Past meeting minutes may be found here.