Building Community

The Corner Coffee Shop 66 Church St,, Hayesville, NC, United States

Building Community in Clay will meet this Sunday, January 5th, 4pm at Corner Coffee Shop, 66 Church Street in Hayesville.  We’ve had two meetings post election, finding our footing and making plans for the future. How do we support one another as we brace for the changes of the upcoming administration?   What actions do we take to […]

Clay County Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners Meeting Location 261 Courthouse Drive, Hayesville, United States

The Clay County Board of Commissioners meet monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:45 PM.  A button linking to the current agenda can be found here: The first meeting of 2025 will be held January 9th instead of the 1st Thursday.  

Hayesville Town Council Meeting

Hayesville Town Hall 56 Sanderson Street, Hayesville, NC, United States

Town Council meetings are open to the public and held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.  You may call the Town Clerk at 828-389-1862 for more information on the Town Council or for specific meeting information.  Meeting minutes and information may be found here.

Clay County Board of Elections

Board of Elections Meeting Location 75 Riverside Circle, Suite 3, Hayesville, NC

The Clay County Board of Elections meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:00 AM.  Additional information about the Clay County Board of Elections may be found on their  website:

Grit & Grace Party

Zen Salon 18 Creekside Circle, Suite 15, Hayesville, NC, United States

If you can't make the People's March in D.C.... Please join us for our Grit and Grace event on Saturday,  January 18,  2025 from 2-5 PM.  This is a party, not a meeting! Be among friends and like-minded Clay County neighbors as we move into the dark days of the next administration.   Agree to resist […]

Soil & Water Conservation District Board Meeting

Soil & Water Conservation District Board Meeting Location 25 Riverside Circle, Hayesville, NC, United States

The SWCD board meets on the 4th Wednesday of each the month at 7:00 PM at 25 Riverside Circle (i.e., the brick community building down the hill from the library). The group meets in the conference room of the NC Cooperative Extension.

Clay County Board of Education

School Board Meeting Location 154 Yellow Jacket Dr,, Hayesville, United States

The Clay County Board of Education meets in regular session on the 4th Monday night every month unless otherwise posted.  The Clay County School website is and the School Board web page and minutes may be found here.  All meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the boardroom of the Clay County Board of Education […]

Clay County Democratic Party Monthly Meeting

The Corner Coffee Shop 66 Church St,, Hayesville, NC, United States

You are cordially invited to attend the Clay County Democratic Party meeting on Tuesday, January 28, at 6:00 PM, at MJ’s Corner Coffee Shop. This is a rallying call to connect with like-minded neighbors because, as the saying goes, “All politics are local” – even in a divided landscape. Together, we can make a meaningful […]

Building Community

The Corner Coffee Shop 66 Church St,, Hayesville, NC, United States

Building Community is a non-partisan monthly event intended to build strength within our own community to fight back against attempts to weaken our Democracy.  After the last election many of us have been experiencing a range of emotions— anger, frustration, disappointment, uncertainty—and that these feelings can sometimes feel isolating.  Please know that you are not […]

Clay County Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners Meeting Location 261 Courthouse Drive, Hayesville, United States

The Clay County Board of Commissioners meet monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:45 PM.  A button linking to the current agenda can be found here:

Banned Book Club & Farewell Celebration for Griffin Anderson

Moss Public Library (Hayesville) 26 Anderson St, Hayesville, NC, United States

Our beloved director of the Moss Public Library, Griffin Anderson, is moving on to bigger and brighter challenges and we will be celebrating his contribution here in Hayesville during our meeting.  All are encouraged to join in this celebration even if you are not a member of the book club. The book selection for Monday, […]

Hayesville Town Council Meeting

Hayesville Town Hall 56 Sanderson Street, Hayesville, NC, United States

Town Council meetings are open to the public and held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.  You may call the Town Clerk at 828-389-1862 for more […]